This Wednesday, July 24th, we will be celebrating our 2024-2025 year of The Magic of Rotary. Thank you to Jim Ahern for engaging our speaker for History Month.
Tom Speaks has been a frequent speaker for our Rotary Club. He is a parttner at The Impact Group in Hudson. While he is passionate about all aspects of the messaging and branding process, he specializes in executive leadership, corporate and government communications, research measurement techniques, communications training, political strategy, and crisis communications. He will talk on one of his favorite historical topics: "Caesar Crossing the Rubicon” .
Past Meeting
Rotarian Tom Vince. helped us. celebrate the 225th Anniversary of the founding of Hudson with an entertaining talk about two memorable Hudson residents: abolitionist John Brown and arctic explorer, philanthropist and entrepreneur Lincoln Ellsworth. So much of what is the core of Hudson from the Clocktower to the name of our High School Mascot (the Explorers) is the direct result of Mr. Ellsworth's influence. He was an influencer before we even knew there was such a thing. We had nearly a full house with guests from Hudson Meadows as well as the Hudson Clocktower Club.