Awarding of the Scholarships and Introduction of Influential Teachers
May 24, 2023 7:30 AM
HHS J Daniel Williams Memorial Scholarship Winner
Awarding of the Scholarships and Introduction of Influential Teachers

We will be awarding Six College Scholarships and One Vocational Scholarship to deserving Hudson High School Seniors.  We will be joined by Laurie Williams who truly understands how important this project was for Dan.  He was a member of the Scholarship Selection Committee for many, mahy years and olften was the chair.  His notes and records were meticuloous and he led with passion and professionalism (as only a College Professor could).  Please make Laurie feel welcomed!  

Each Student will also introduce an influential Teacher--this is an opportunity to reinforce just how important these tachers are in their guidance and mentorin of our youth.  In the past, everything from the Music Department to Elementary School and Middle School and every department in the High School have been recognized.  It is truly a testament to the quality of educators in our Hudson City Schools.